Cedar Valley Corp., LLC (CVC) is extremely proud to announce that it has continued its winning ways by garnering three 2013 American Concrete Pavement Association Excellence in Concrete Pavement (ACPA) awards. This brings Cedar Valley’s total winning ACPA projects to twenty-one over the last ten years. CVC is one of an elite number of concrete pavers in the nation who can boast of this sustained level of paving excellence.
The winning projects were in the Divided Highway (Urban) category, where its Black Hawk County I-380 project won silver recognition; in the Divided Highways (Rural) category, where its US Highway 20 project in Sac County and Calhoun County also won a silver award; and its Sac County Highway 196 project won a gold award in the State Roads category. This is quite a tribute to Cedar Valley and its crews.
I-380 Black Hawk County, Iowa:

Cedar Valley Corp’s Interstate I-380 project rebuilt seven miles of the southbound lanes adjacent to the Waterloo, Iowa Metro area. This six-stage project was assigned 135 calendar days with an incentive/disincentive for early completion. Amazingly, the entire seven mile southbound reconstruction project was completed in just 96 calendar days. Traffic was returned to full unrestricted use two days prior to Labor Day. The largest project milestone was reached on September 12th when the final erosion work was completed.
One of the greatest public relation actions a firm can take on an urban Interstate reconstruction is to get in, build the job, and get out as quickly as possible. Cedar Valley’s team wowed the traveling public by exceeding their expectations on this project. CVC’s I-380 reconstruction work was the talk of the town among daily commuters, who visually saw how much work was being accomplished each and every day. The job was progressing so quickly that instead of avoiding the area entirely, people drove through the job just to witness what everyone was talking about.
Ron Loecher, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) Resident Construction Engineer wrote this excellent summary about CVC’s I-380 project in an endorsement letter. “This project was unique in many ways and presented numerous challenges. It required traffic (31,800 vehicles per day) to be situated in the northbound lanes in a two lane two way configuration. With this being the case the Iowa DOT maintained an aggressive safety campaign to encourage drivers to use alternate routes which helped reduce the amount of traffic. CVC and its subcontractors did an excellent job of planning and coordination to assure they remained ahead of an already aggressive schedule. The summer of 2012 produced record temperatures and dry conditions which created further stress on both equipment and workers. CVC made sure not to compromise the safety of its workers.”
Cedar Valley was chosen for this award from the seven projects nominated in the Divided Highway (Urban) category.
US Highway 20 - Sac and Calhoun County, Iowa:
Cedar Valley Corp.’s US Highway 20 project built 14.6 miles of divided four lane paving. The project had an approximate start date of September 12, 2011. However, CVC was able to start base work operations in mid-July.
In March of 2012, Cedar Valley was awarded two additional contracts; Hwy 196 in Sac County and an adjoining US Highway 20 project. Both projects attached to CVC’s Highway 20 project to the west. Without the completion of the two new contracts, CVC’s US Highway 20 project dead ended in the middle of no-where. Between mid-July of 2011 and October of 2012, CVC’s paving and base operations consumed almost 1,300,000 tons of material. Great relationships and excellent communication enabled CVC to successfully manage this huge project.
Highway 196-Sac County, Iowa:

Cedar Valley Corp.’s Iowa Highway 196 project paved 2.52 miles of a two-lane highway that connects existing US Highway 20 to the newly constructed and relocated US Highway 20.
"This project was the epitome of what a well-run and executed project should look and feel like,” Resident Construction Engineer Tony Babcock wrote, “Personally, I felt that working with CVC was a breath of fresh air. It was not uncommon for their staff to bring up, address, or rectify issues prior to my staff or myself being made aware. When it was necessary to address issues on the project, I was never met with an argument and was always given an extremely prompt and professional response to my concerns. In summary, CVC was excellent to work with and has constructed an outstanding project.”