Cedar Valley Corp., LLC was recently the recipient of two “Excellence in Concrete Pavement” awards at the 22nd Annual American Concrete Pavement Association awards banquet on December 2, 2011 in Indian Wells, California. The awards program recognizes contractors, engineers and project owners who completed outstanding projects in 2010.
County Road L-22, Sioux County, Iowa
This project was close to eight miles of unbonded concrete overlay. This farm-to-market road services feed trucks, livestock trucks, grain trucks and farm equipment. Sioux County Engineer, Doug Julius, stated “Cedar Valley Corp. did a tremendous job in keeping the residences informed of the construction process so that traffic could be maintained with very little disruption.” One challenge to this project was the specifications’ requirements for a unique sawing pattern, which limited daily production. The entire project required a remarkable 276,000 lineal feet of sawing – which Cedar Valley accomplished without a single random crack, thanks to exceptional planning and execution.
“The quality control for the concrete (on this project) was very good and the paving operation went very well. The completed project has been very well received by the traveling public and the communities located near the project.”
-Douglas G. Julius, P.E., Sioux County Engineer

Route 36, Shelby County, Missouri
During their preconstruction meeting, CVC informed the MoDOT personnel that the company’s goal was to build the entire project with no surface grinding. Mr. Jerad Nolan, Resident Engineer, explained “to my knowledge, this has never been accomplished on a MoDOT project since Missouri’s smoothness specification is so stringent. In fact, most paving contractors just grind their projects into acceptance.” However, CVC proudly met this goal and also accomplished 267,000 lineal feet of sawing with no random cracks.
“This project exemplifies how a dedicated team of professionals can, by utilizing effective communication and establishing clear and precise project expectations, produce quality end results. MoDOT and Cedar Valley Corp. representatives were able to utilize effective communication of project goals throughout the development, design and construction processes to produce quality and results within budget that will benefit the travelers of northeast Missouri for many years to come.”
-Jerad Noland, P.E., Resident Engineer, MoDOT