Cedar Valley Corp. was the recipient of two paving awards at the 21st annual American Concrete Pavement Association's national meeting held in Bonita Springs, Florida, December 2-3, 2010. During the awards presentation, Cedar Valley Corp. was awarded two Gold Awards, the highest honor presented nationally to recognize quality in concrete pavement. The awards program recognizes contractors, engineers, and project owners who completed outstanding projects in 2009.
Garfield Avenue, Sioux City, IA
The project consisted of regrading and paving 5.00 miles of eight-inch concrete of an existing gravel road. Two items that make this project stand out are 1) the outstanding quality of the finished project and 2) the exceptional job CVC did
with regard to maintaining access to local property and business owners. CVC achieved amazing smoothness results throughout the entire project.
“The traffic type was feed trucks, livestock trucks, milk trucks, and farm equipment that needed access to the residences along the project. Cedar Valley Corporation
did a tremendous job in keeping residences informed of the various stages of the construction process so that traffic could be maintained with very little disruption.
This important phase of the project was only successful due to the cooperation between Cedar Valley Corporation personnel and Sioux County personnel in keeping the residences aware of the scheduling of the paving process.” – Douglas Julius, P.E., Sioux County Engineer’s comments regarding the Garfield Avenue project and CVC’s efforts in maintaining local access.
County Road A-34, Worth County, Joice, IA
This project was a 23.25 miles unbonded concrete overlay and marked the first concrete paving project awarded by Worth County since 1972. Two main issues added challenge to the project: 1) The specifications called for a unique sawing pattern and 2) the road was so old that six super-elevated curves were redesigned to meet current standards.
“Cedar Valley and its subcontractors were very conscious about the quality of their work and the effect it had on the overall project. This combined effort of the team and attention to detail yielded a superior product that the County and its residents are very happy with.” – James E. Hyde, P.E., Worth County Engineer regarding County Road A-34, Worth County project.